Shaman i n t e r n a t i o n a l Accreditation
◆We conduct certification and assessment for various divisions including:
Psychic Abilities
Card Sessions (Tarot, etc.)
Color Therapy
Vibrational Healing
Spiritual Cleansing
Prayer Practitioner
Divination, and more...
Individuals who are certified in each division have met the criteria set by the Shaman Dr. International Association.
We provide certification for individuals who are active nationwide.
Shaman Certified Practitioners List - Nationwide Edition
From beginners to professionals, anyone can participate. We offer talks covering basic aspects and practical methods, including clear guidance on progressing from a novice level to a professional level and methods for personal improvement and effective results.
■ You can receive certification in each division. ■ Meeting the criteria is essential for certification. ■ Once certified, a certification document will be issued.
■ If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us.
◆チャネリング ◆レイキ ◆ヒーリング
◆リーディング ◆霊視 ◆霊能
◆アロマセラピー ◆カラーセラピー
◆波動 ◆除霊 ◆祈祷師 ◆整体
シャーマン認定者リスト 全国版
★ スピリチュアル
・We diagnose and make judgments by communicating with past lives, guardian spirits, and other spiritual entities, prior to the spiritual influence on the soul. Grounded in spiritualism, practitioners leverage clairvoyance and psychic abilities to convey judgments and messages. We also address spiritual, religious, and metaphysical matters.
Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society employs the enhancement of the spiritual realm for applications in the medical and psychological domains. We encourage utilization by a wide range of individuals, aspiring to facilitate better lives. Our association offers certification in spiritual guidance. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
★ ヒーリング
・Healing, performed with the aim of soothing both the mind and body, has been increasingly employed in recent years as a treatment for individuals facing emotional distress. This approach places significant emphasis on therapeutic practices driven by psychic abilities. Techniques such as hands-on healing are utilized as part of the healing process.
Those who administer healing are referred to as "Healers." We hope that many individuals can benefit from and lead happier lives through these practices.
At our association, we offer certification and guidance for those aspiring to become Healers. Please feel free to reach out for inquiries and participation.
★ リーディング
・Through spiritual revelations, our purpose is to conduct sessions that delve into the deep psychology of individuals, allowing us to interpret and convey events from their past, present, and future. We aim for these insights to be used by many, enabling anticipation and understanding of past, present, and future occurrences. This can provide a means to escape from disasters, confusion, and troubles in advance. We aspire for individuals to attain a more fulfilling and abundant life.
At our association, we provide certification and guidance for those interested in becoming proficient in Reading. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
★ レイキ(霊気)
・Reiki is practiced as a spiritual energy healing method involving prayer and the laying on of hands. It aims to remove negative energy and balance the spiritual and physical energies within. When the flow of energy becomes disrupted, it can lead to various illnesses. Improving one's own energy flow is essential for maintaining both mental and physical well-being.
We hope that many individuals will benefit from utilizing Reiki and lead more enriched lives. Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers certification and guidance in Reiki. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
★ チャネリング
・Channeling involves conducting communication that is often considered beyond conventional understanding. It is said to involve interactions with spiritual beings, extraterrestrial entities, and distant individuals, enabling communication with various entities. Communication with past personalities, animals, and others is regarded as an extraordinary ability, allowing insights into diverse matters.
We hope that many individuals will utilize these practices and lead better lives. Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers certification and guidance in Channeling.
Feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
★ ボディーワーク
・This practice involves using specific parts of the body to influence one's consciousness and engage with the body's inherent healing abilities through techniques and movements. By touching the body of another person, it is said that one can gain insights into various aspects of that individual. Directly addressing areas of physical and mental discomfort and working intensively can yield swift results.
We hope that many individuals will make use of these techniques and lead improved lives. Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers certification and guidance in Bodywork.
Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
★ 波動
・There are positive and negative vibrations. It is essential to alter vibrations in order to shift all forms of energy towards the positive spectrum. Vibrations are present in many substances.
Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers guidance and certification in methods to adjust and alter vibrations. Please don't hesitate to contact us for inquiries.
Feel free to reach out to us.
★ 除霊
・There are negative spirits or entities that can attach themselves to human souls. It is necessary to remove these negative entities that have attached to a person. By removing these entities, it becomes possible to fulfill your wishes, alleviate stress, or address unexplained illnesses. This practice is known as spiritual cleansing.
Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers guidance and certification in methods of spiritual cleansing. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us.
★ 祈祷
・This practice involves using prayer and invocations to fulfill wishes and manifest desires. Prayer has been actively practiced in Japan since ancient times, and it has been established as a method within these spiritual practices. We provide guidance to many individuals in this regard.
Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers guidance and certification in Shinto, esoteric Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
Feel free to reach out to us for guidance.
★ カラーセラピー
・Each color has its own effects, and by observing or wearing them, you can attract and enhance your luck and fortunes. We provide guidance on how to perceive colors that are suitable for an individual and how to utilize them effectively in specific directions. We hope that many individuals will make use of these practices and lead better lives. You can apply these techniques for personal use or as a professional.
Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers certification and guidance in Color Therapy. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
Feel free to reach out to us.
★ 霊視
・Clairvoyance involves directly seeking information from the spiritual realm to appraise all matters. It involves perceiving your guardian spirits and ancestors behind you. We offer guidance on clairvoyant methods tailored to your individual level. Anyone is welcome to participate. Through these practices, you can experience tangible effects. Remote methods are also available.
We hope that many individuals will make use of these practices and lead better lives. Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers certification and guidance in Clairvoyance.
Remote participation is possible.
★ 霊能
・Enhancing mental faculties through specialized training is the process of gaining psychic abilities. While these abilities can sometimes emerge suddenly, they are generally developed through spiritual practices that enhance spiritual power. By maximizing the intuitive power inherent in humans, psychic abilities are said to be acquired. In other words, they can be cultivated through dedicated practices.
We hope that many individuals will make use of these practices and lead better lives. Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers certification and guidance in Psychic Abilities.
Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
★ アロマテラピー
・Utilizing the components of plants such as flowers and trees, this method involves enjoying improved mental and physical health and well-being. By incorporating natural scents, the aim is to alleviate stress and induce relaxation in both the mind and body. The fragrance that resonates with you will provide healing for your mind and body. Through soothing the mind, you'll find release from all matters. In recent times, this practice has also found applications in healthcare.
Benefits include tension relief and favorability for meditation. Please don't hesitate to contact us for inquiries and participation.
Feel free to reach out to us.
★ カードセッション
・A card session involves using cards to receive messages from guardian angels about your past, present, and future. By consulting these cards, you can find release from your worries and uncertainties. The messages received can serve as a source of support for your heart and soul.
Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society offers guidance and certification in card sessions. Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and participation.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us.
★ 占い鑑定
・In divination, the person conducting the readings is often referred to as a fortune teller, diviner, or seer. Their judgments are often derived from unique theories and experiences. In ancient times, divination was often intertwined with astronomy. Various forms of divination include prophecies and predictions based on spiritual insight and clairvoyance, resulting in a range of abilities.
Shaman Japan Certification provides guidance in various divination methods, including feng shui, astrology, Nine Star Ki, name analysis, physiognomy, home divination, land divination, seal divination, and tombstone divination.
Feel free to reach out for inquiries.
初伝道師 | Shaman.Dr
Shaman international Accreditation
■ Certified individuals have met the criteria set forth for Shamanism. ■ We conduct certifications for individuals who are actively engaged nationwide. ■ Shaman Certified Practitioners List - Nationwide Edition ■ From beginners to professionals, anyone can participate. ■ There are informative talks ranging from basics to advanced methods and personal growth, leading to professional levels and effective practices. ■ Certification is available for each department. ■ Meeting the criteria is necessary for certification. ■ Upon certification, a certificate will be issued.
■ If you have any questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us.
■ Contact Information: Shaman International Association | Japan Certification Society
Email: shaman@syugendou.com
Contact: 0725-39-5888
FAX: 0725-39-5777
Mobile: 090-8695-5866
Contact Person: Seishin (ジョウシン)
■連絡先 シャーマン国際協会|日本認定協会
メール shaman@syugendou.com
連絡先 0725-39-5888 FAX 0725-39-5777
携帯 090-8695-5866 担当・成心(ジョウシン)